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Let's Talk College

Jul 29, 2021

Headed into her Senior year at Texas A&M, Katherine has a unique major, Industrial Distribution, that is a combination of engineering and business. It's not the sort of major that most students know about when they think about majoring in engineering.

Jul 22, 2021

Having graduated from from Columbia just 6 years ago, Srishti makes me wonder what I've been doing with my life. Currently working at her 3rd start up, she's been involved in 2 others, both of which have had successful exits. Along the way she worked for Dell, but she found the atmosphere of a start up suits her...

Jul 15, 2021

Sameer is a 2nd lieutenant in the U.S. Army currently serving in South Korea. He attended Baylor University and earned his commission through an Army ROTC scholarship. In a era of continually rising college costs, and ROTC scholarship remains one of the best ways to pay for college. Sameer shares what it meant for him...

Jul 8, 2021

Mike McGibbon is the founder and CEO of Mathchops, an online program that helps students improve their math skills. Mathchops approach to the process is to gamify the tasks in a way that is engaging and meets the student where they are. It helps math concepts on the SAT, ACT, ISEE, and others.

Click here to visit the...

Jul 1, 2021

Michael Cone has done a lot of things. Business owner, classroom teacher, youth minister. For 28 years now, he's been involved with Young Life, currently as an area director for the organization. Now as a parent of 4 girls, the oldest of whom is starting to think about college, he's looking at the entire process from a...